Study leave is one of the ways we care for and provide refreshment for our Ordained Ministers.  Study leave has three purposes:  It is for personal growth and refreshment, it is secondly for the benefit of a minister’s current ministry and thirdly it is for the benefit of the Kaimai Presbytery and wider church.

Study Leave Guidelines & Application Form – KP Study-Leave-Application

Thank you to those who have shared their work.

The Good News for us.

Rev. Dr. Jaco Reyneke

Good News “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, (19) and that the time of the LORD’s favour has come.” (20) He rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down. All eyes in the synagogue looked at him intently. (21) Then he began to speak to them. “The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!” (Luke 4:18-21; NLT)

Where next for the church?

Rev. Reece Frith

For at least the last 20 years evangelical Christians and church in the West has faced decline, immense cultural change, loss of influence and a resulting loss of confidence. Reading works from three varied authors grappling with these issues I will see if there are common themes about the way ahead for the church as well as where they differ.

Belief in the church

Rev. Rob Williams

Listening to people share their stories was a privilege and an inspiration for me. I had sent out 5 questions to help the interviewees prepare, but was not really sure what to expect. Once the awkwardness of the videoed interview situation was overcome people relaxed and told stories coloured with hope, grief and a determined belief in God.

Theological Signposts for Re-purposing Presbyterian Churches in God's Mission

Rev. Dr Mark Johnston & Rev. Dr Mark Keown

We need to be honest about the difficulty we are in as Regions and as a presbytery.  The reality we are facing is that collectively we are in crisis. A number of our churches are at risk of not being viable, of an uncertain future. In our Presbytery, shrinking and aging memberships, loss of leadership capacity, rocketing costs for property, and multiple compliance measures prompt us to ask significant questions of our future sustainability.

The Three Mission Imperatives

Very Rev. Garry Marquand

To our bewilderment the journey has gone awry, and we’ve ended up travelling on a side road far from the main. And somehow we’ve lost some of our fellow travellers and on this itinerary few have come on board. The landscape is interesting enough, but we are realising that our navigators are using an out-dated map, and we are wondering whether we might run out of road.

Mission, Community & Worship

‘Public Worship in a Post Christendom, Missional Context’ by the Rev I. Garry Marquand

Christians today, individually and together, live in a time of transition and turbulence for the church. A primary tension is between Christendom theology and practice that remains the predominant determinant forming the life and ministry of the current church, and the theology and practice required in a radically different post Christendom and missional world. Christendom has long disappeared from the socio-political (European-Western) world, but the church resolutely or unwittingly holds to its assumptions, priorities and expectations.




Developing an Ars Moriendi

Developing an Ars Moriendi (The Art of Dying) for the 21st Century by the Rev. Donald Hegan

This project that I have undertaken is concerned to develop not just and understanding of Ars Moriendi (the good death) but to see how the art of dying is expressing itself in the 21st century. For even if we try to ignore death it will always intervene in our lives and those we love. If we don’t come to terms with death we and our loved ones will have no skill or resilience to deal with what is often seen as an unwelcome intruder and disruption in our lives. I commend to the reader to embrace death and its unwelcome intrusion and learn from the experience of previous generations where death was an every present reality, acknowledged even if not welcomed and surrounded by the communities embrace.


Lighting the Way

Lighting the Way – a preaching guide for those wanting to refresh their style and rethink their objectives by the Rev. Simon McLeay

An almost audible hush spreads out across the congregation, the preacher stands up and moves toward the pulpit, the distracted turn their attention to the front for a moment and the scene is set for the sermon. The preacher lifts their eyes and opens their mouth; what strange theatre this is, why would these words matter?… Perhaps like me you have been writing and presenting messages for some time, and you have got into a pattern. Yet sometimes you have sense of wondering. I wonder if there’s  something I’m missing? I wonder if there’s something I could do better? I wonder if there are some aspects of this art that I’m unaware of? If you have those questions, then this resource is for you. It is aimed at the competent preacher who wants to think, “How could I do better?” If you’re a beginner, I’m sure you’ll find it helpful also.