Specialist facilities


John & Ann Niven (Chaplains)
Titoki Healing Centre
71 Titoki Road
RD 2
Whakatane 3192

Phone 07 308 6503
Phone from overseas 64 7 308 6503
Cell Phone: 022 508 6503
Email: info@titoki.org.nz
Website:  titokichristianhealingcentre.co.nz

We provide missionaries with free accommodation thanks to our sponsor Mary Atkin Trust. Personal debriefing, specialising in missionaries is available. We have a Registered Counsellor, prayer ministry, healing rooms and chapel services. We run retreats and conferences. We can provide accommodation, event facilities, catering and a wedding venue.

“I call Titoki the Bay Of Plenty’s best-kept secret. While we are not a church we are there to support what the churches are doing by providing first class accommodation- not backpackers- etc. Most rooms have their own en-suite. We have a young chef who cooks food, as my children would say, “To die for”. Have a look at our website  titokichristianhealingcentre.co.nz

Warmest Regards
John Niven”