Kaimai Presbytery Council | |
Moderator - | Rev. Wilson Orange wjandsaorange@gmail.com |
Executive Officer | Rev Shona Bettany executiveofficer@kaimaipresbytery.org.nz |
Administrator | Rika van der Linde admin@kaimaipresbytery.org.nz 0204 524 624 |
Treasurer | Neville Watkins Accountants@Crest 07 578 7171 or 027 277 1075 accts.at.crest@gmail.com |
Children, Youth, Families Ministry Coach | Julianne Managh childrenyouthfamilies@kaimaipresbytery.org.nz |
Strategic Work Group Convenor | |
Property Convenor | Graham Robertson |
Candidates Committee | Rev Sandra Warner |
Mission Coach | Vanya Wallis mission@kaimaipresbytery.org.nz |
The Presbyterian Church offers a confidential complaints process. Kaimai Presbytery has appointed people to independently advise and support anyone who wish to make a complaint about a minister, office bearer or church member. Please refer to the link below for a list of contacts.
Kaimai Presbytery Complaints Contacts 2023
More details regarding the complaints process can be found here: http://www.presbyterian.org.nz/for-parishes/complaints-process